Corporate Australia spends billions of dollars annually on entertaining clients. They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t deliver some value. The reality is, it could deliver so much more if the appropriate amount of planning and strategy was allocated to the investment.
SMART PRACTICE hospitality is a practical, interactive four hour program specifically designed to mirror the three key aspects – the “pre match” (the planning and preparation), the “hosting” (what happens on the day / at the event) and the “post match” (the follow-up and ongoing fortification of business relationships).
There are many impediments to achieving true value of your corporate hospitality spend – inappropriate choice of event, too much hospitality, too little, ineffectual hosting, poor organisation, poor planning, poor execution, even lack of follow-up. The end result – the corporate client experience is not what it should be, and the potential return on investment is heavily eroded.
Key elements:
- Setting the parameters – understanding the scope
- Controlling the controllables – planning and preparation
- Troubleshooting – workshopping worst case scenarios
- Execution – key hosting skills and techniques, including how to remember names!
- Practical session – a fun-filled role play exercise (complete with costumes) to help instil the principles discussed.
Email now for further details.
This is invaluable information for anyone who’s trying to connect with clients and build long lasting, sustainable business relationships. In other words, all of us. Michael takes you out of your comfort zone. He makes you re-evaluate how you conduct yourself in that corporate hospitality environment. It’s great stuff. Our whole team benefited enormously. Most pleasingly, the guys have adopted the learnings, and made them part and parcel of the way we do business. ~Mark Powell, National Sales Director, Lion Co.