In life, we never stop learning. We continue to accumulate knowledge until the day somebody puts us in a box. But personal growth doesn’t necessarily need to involve text books or certificates or university degrees. Of equal importance (in some vocations – great importance) is increasing our ability to relate to and connect with others. This is Third Half’s “Play On”.
Whether it’s sport or business, the principles are largely the same. Beyond any given technical (or functional) excellence, there are social and emotional factors that weigh heavily in our career and life successes. In Third Half parlance, these are known as the “critical non-essentials”. They’re what propel a brand forward, or retard its progress.
Looking at it another way – the product has to be good, but so too does the packaging.
The Third Half works with its clients to better understand this dynamic, and help them plug the gaps.
Among the key platforms:
- Personal Branding – what is it and how does it work
- The Brand Pictorial – through use of imagery, helping clients understand how they are perceived and why, and the potential implications
- Authenticity – a non-negotiable
- Trust – the four key elements
- Emotional intelligence in the “work place”.
Download The Third Half Personal Branding Brochure.
Play On – Sport
Athletes have a limited time “in the sun”. Capitalising on opportunities while they’re available is essential for longer term sustainability.
What they put in place, and how they behave in halves One and Two, normally dictates what they reap in The Third Half.
Among the key platforms:
- The stakeholder model – who’s who in the athlete world, why they’re important, what athletes can do to embrace them.
- The Critical Non-Essentials – what we, the stakeholders, really buy into. What are the gaps? And opportunities?
- The Bar Stool of Life. Simple, home-spun wisdom challenging athletes to take a bird’s eye view of their world. Who are they without their sport?