“I regard Bluch as one of the most honest characters out there. His genuine demeanour was obvious from the beginning – I found it extremely refreshing. Michael has invested a lot of time and effort, not only in my business but me as an individual, and asks nothing in return. His experience is second to none. He always manages to provide me with an honest yet constructive approach to any situation away from the court. One of the most impressive qualities about Bluch is his passion for his work. I am truly grateful that I was introduced to him, and for the direction that he has already provided, whether it be in the public speaking field or how to approach other corporate opportunities. I look forward to working alongside Bluch in the future as I see him being a wonderful long term mentor.”
~ Laura Geitz, Australian Netball Captain, Businesswoman.
“Michael Blucher brings real life experience to one of the most powerful development tools I have encountered in my career. The rigour of the process itself, combined with Michael’s practical, common sense approach, makes it a unique offering. The upside for both our business, and the individuals, has been enormous.”
~ Craig Garvin, CEO, Parmalat Australia.
“Michael has unique insights into the factors that enable all of us to decide which people and which organisations we will buy from. The training programs he has developed to assist professional services firms in particular to understand this dynamic, are powerful and entertaining. I would recommend him as a speaker, a marketing strategist and a facilitator without hesitation.”
~ Bruce Davidson, CEO, Davidson Recruitment
“Michael takes you out of your comfort zone, he makes you re-evaluate how you conduct yourself in that corporate hospitality environment. It’s great stuff. Our whole team benefited enormously. Most pleasingly, the guys have adopted the learnings, and the way we do business.”
~ Mark Powell, National Sales Director, Lion Co.
“Michael is a highly engaging presenter and communicator who is able to effectively ‘unpack’ his skills to coach and educate others to improve their presentation effectiveness. One of his great strengths is his ability to move seamlessly between theory and real-world pragmatism. He can also critique presentations, pointing out ‘areas for improvement’ but leaving people feeling more confident in their own abilities. Our brief to Michael was to work with our team on their ability to present more effectively the often complex and relatively dry matters of personal finance and investment. Michael made a significant contribution and we will continue to work with him in the future to further ‘raise the bar’.”
~ John Barton, Head of Advice, Shadforth Financial Group.
“Preparation is critical to good performance in any field. Working with Bluch, we developed the right speech content and structure, which in turn gave me the confidence to talk to any audience”.
~ Darren Lockyer, Former Australian Rugby League Captain, footballer, now Businessman/TV commentator.
“One thing fundamentally important in life is perspective. And Michael has always had it in spades – he’s maintained it through everything he has ever done. His ability to impart a sense of perspective makes the advice he offers invaluable, particularly for young athletes, who can easily become insulated form the real world.”
~ John Eales, Rugby World Cup Winning Captain, successful businessman.